Sunday, October 30, 2016

Trust the Oil companies to do the right thing? Just look at what they actually do

So sad what we allow to happen right in front of us

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Was Hillary fired for lying and unethical behavior? Truth is between the lines.

This story pop's up from time to time and I will do my best to help make it a little more clear.  Keep in mind that if you only look at things as if you were in a stadium and your only concern in life is whether your team is winning on point's then you might as well move on now.  I am an American, I am not rooting for the R's or the D's and can give a rat's behind what the score is.  The future of my country is not a game to me.  I will not be misdirected by a party machine to keep me occupied.

Now to get to the bottom of this story.

The problem is in the semantics.  You must look at this through a clear lens.  You have to look at it through the lens of what is allowed in HR practices within the Government and within special inquiries.  You have to look at it through the lens of understanding human behavior and how it mirrors one's true character.  Then you have a decision to make.

Was Hillary Rodham Clinton “fired” from her position for being a “liar” and “unethical”.  The Answer is NO.  The official document at the time shows her and a couple other staffers being let go because of decreased workload in the case.  An opportunity her, then boss, took to get her off the team - easily and without hassle. Her boss at the time, Jerry Zeifman, a Democrat, who served as counsel and chief of staff for the House Judiciary Committee during the Watergate investigation.

Generally this is where Hillary herself and her sycophants will stop.  They will call you a hater, a sexist etc. etc. if you continue to discuss it.

So the official documents of her release from the prosecution team state she was let go with some other staffers due to the decrease in workload in the case at the time and she was no longer needed, thus invoking the decrease in staff due to the workload provision of the special prosecutors HR mandate and he let her go. In Jerry Zeifman's own book and in numerous interviews from the 80's, 90's and 2000's made it very clear as to how he felt about her performance.  He said that during the investigation Hillary Clinton had “…engaged in a variety of self-serving, unethical practices in violation of House rules.” Zeifman also said "If I had the power to fire her, I would have fired her." She falsified legal briefs and confiscated public documents with the intent to hide the content from the legal teams.

Jerry Zeifman has been consistent in his criticism of Hillary Rodham Clinton’s work on the Watergate investigation.  Specifically in a 1999 interview with the Scripps Howard News Service, Zeifman said he didn’t have the power to fire Clinton, or else he would have.  “Well, let me put it this way: I terminated her, along with some other staff members who were — were no longer needed, and advised her that I would not — could not — recommend her for any further positions.”  When pressed, Zeifman said he couldn’t recommend Hillary Rodham Clinton for future positions, “Because of her unethical conduct.” Despite that, however, Clinton was terminated because she was “no longer needed” — not because she had lied, according to Zeifman’s own account.

Now anyone with knowledge of the HR process, especially within the federal government knows without a doubt that it was far easier for him at that time to simply move her on her way with the already provided for decrease in staff proviso than to proceed with an HR case for lying and unethical behavior.  Remember, at this time in history Hillary was NOT the Governors wife, the First Lady, A senator from New York she was only a few years out of Law School and just one a many lawyers available in D.C.  There was no way to see 40 years into the future.  He simply did what 95% of supervisors in the Federal Government would do with a employee they want rid of.  It was a choice of convenience and it is done all the time.  The federal government HR processes are crushing under their own weight at best and to believe that someone wouldn't take the the easier path is rather naive.

These are the FACTS.  Now it is up to you to pass judgement on the behavior she exhibited when no one was looking, when things weren't going the way she wanted, and the ethical lines she will cross.
These are things that give you a window into the real person.

You have to decide if these things matter to you.  Of course that would be a reflection on your own character now wouldn't it.

Monday, March 21, 2016

A Supreme Court Nomination: A Blinding Flash of the Obvious

A sitting U.S. Supreme Court Justice passes away and the President of the United States puts forward to Congress a nominee to fill this vacancy.  The Republican party leadership goes nuts.  "The president can nominate whoever he wants, but the Senate is not going to act, and that's pretty clear," Mr. Rubio said on "Fox News Sunday." "So, we can keep debating it but we're not moving forward on it, period."   The leadership is all lining up with the same rhetoric, Sen. Chuck Grassley, IA, Sen. Ted Cruz, TX etc. etc.  The Majority Leader Sen. Mitch McConnell, KY had the audacity to say that we had to wait until a new president was chosen so that the peoples voice would be heard on whom they want to be nominated.  Blinding flash number 1: The people did have their voice heard 3 years ago when our president of today won the election.  Seriously it is like that didn't happen, what a ridiculous statement and certainly one that portents that you are an imbecile.  Blinding flash number 2: The U.S. Constitution is not that hard to understand and presidential powers and responsibilities are enumerated in a fairly simply manner (just because most presidents over the last 100 years have "imagined" more powers exist, doesn't make it so) in this case, Art. II, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution states ..."and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the Supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States"... It really is that simple.  Blinding flash number 3:  What is NOT in the U.S. Constitution is that because it is the presidents last year in office he should just stop performing the duties of the office.  It also says nothing about republicans or democrats or anything else about political parties interestingly enough.  All the party's do is muddy the water.

Blinding flash number 4: It doesn't matter whether you or I like it, that is irrelevant. The president is entitled to and frankly it is his responsibility to the country that dictates he should put forth a nominee. The senate needs to do the right thing and have the hearing on the nominee.  Ask questions, do their due diligence and if for some overwhelming reason the nominee should be lacking then formally reject them with a vote.  If not, confirm the nominee. It is, what it is, people.  You don't like it then vote.

Yes, Sen Chucky Schumer, NY did  the same thing when George W. Bush was president, so what. It wasn't right then and it isn't right now.  This head-long run to Idiocracy must stop.  The time for the public to be heard is at election time, if voices are silent that is our fault and it makes me ill when politicians, R & D, falsely claim to all of a sudden have a conscience, it is nauseating.

I think the public is done.  Done with the way these people do business and that is the bottom line, unfortunately these politicians haven't quite woken up to this fact yet, but they are close to getting there.

So the obvious path for this to take would be to act in accordance with the Constitution and accept the nomination, have a hearing and confirm or deny.  Let's get on with it people.  It is time to grow up and govern.  Maybe this just gets me one more step down the road to Term-Limits, ahh I can dream can't I.